Dear Friends, This week's quote is from spiritual awareness class CC 61, which was published in Volume 3 of The Living Light Dialogue. "Now, in reference to someone at the time of transition experiencing, sometimes, voices of the departed or their forms or music, etc., that means simply that they have reached that level of consciousness, you understand, and therefore are having the experience on spiritual levels of consciousness—or it could even be astral levels of consciousness. Now, you know, it's so wonderful when we face a situation where we say, "Well, Lord, I know I have accepted I've only got a few months left to live on this earth realm." It is just wonderful, the experiences that we go through. It really is. You see, man, believe me, doesn't want to think about so-called death or transition. He just pushes that right out of his mind until [The Teacher knocks on the wooden lectern.] it knocks. And it knocks according to what we rely upon. For example, if we rely upon a medical doctor and we have faith in the doctor and the doctor says, "Well, Joe, you've got two months left to go," well, of course, we accept that, if that's where we've placed our faith and our reliance. And when we do that, the mind goes through all kinds of changes and processes. Well, the truth of the matter is, you might go two months and you might go another twenty years: that isn't dependent upon the doctor at all. No. He's not the one who's going to make you go two years, two months, or twenty. No. However, it does ofttimes serve a very good purpose. You know why? We start to think, "Do I really believe, really in the continuity of life? Am I pleased with what I've done with my life to this point?" That's where the truth starts rising in our consciousness and we start really to think. Most of us have been brainwashed to a god of wrath, a god of absolute justice. And we start to shudder, because we're not quite sure whether we really believe in the continuity of life or we're going to face this judge, which, in truth, of course, is our own conscience. And something inside of us starts to go to work. And so it's nice. I think it would help all of my students to sit down and take about eighteen minutes and say to yourself, "Well, in nine minutes I'm going to leave this body for good. How do I feel about it? What have I left unfinished? Who am I going to have to face and what kind of judgment will I be able to accept, because, whether I accept it or not, it's going to be." It behooves you, my friends. Stop and think. Stop and think. Then, you know what will happen? You'll say, "Well, I have nine minutes to go. The train's coming and I'm on my way and I can't turn back. Well, I have a house and I have a couple cars and I have this and that." Well, what value do they have? You're not going to take them with you. What are you going to take with you? Remember, you take no physical substance into those dimensions, because it doesn't exist in those dimensions. What are you going to take with you, friends? What is going to comfort you on your journey? What is going to encourage you and keep you going? What do you have? What do you have to take with you? The only thing you have is your mind. That's all. What kind of a mind are you going to take? Are you going to be pleased with it? Think about that. Every moment is a death and every moment is a birth, for it is a death and birth in consciousness. So think. So often we think, "Well, in ten years I'll have this here, in this physical world." Or, "In twenty years I'll have that." Well, my friends, you might not make it ten years. You might not even make it ten days. So is that sensible? Is it reasonable to garner up all of the gold of this material world and put it all into a bank account? Is it logical? Is it even logical to live in that kind of fear? Because, you see, if you live in that kind of fear, if that's where your security is, when you leave your physical body you will not be able to leave the bank doors, because that's where your security is. And so you, your astral body, your desire bodies, will hover at those bank vaults. But all it can do is hover and go through its frustrations. Think, my good students, is that what you want? We're all going to have to face that. And we don't know what hour, what day, or what moment we're going to face it. Prepare yourselves. Somehow you have merited the opportunity to consider it." The above passage was in response to a student's question, but since the quote was rather long, I was a bit reluctant to include the question. It is not our soul that fears. Those who are new to Serenity, you will find additional quotes on Serenity's Facebook Fanpage but for some time now I have not been able to update that page. Unfortunately, I seem to have reached an impasse with Facebook and my efforts have been unsuccessful. If you have any topics you would like addressed in these weekly emails, please feel free to email your request. To ensure that you consistently receive Serenity's weekly emails, be sure to add Serenity's email address to your contacts and your white list. This will help ensure that the emails are not treated as spam. Additional information on these teachings is available on Serenity's website: Sincerely yours, Russell Fitzgerald Vice President |