Dear Friends,
This week's quote is from spiritual awareness class CQA 39, which will soon be published in Volume 11 of The Living Light Dialogue.
“The Law of Denial is the Law of Destiny; they are inseparable. So when man says, “I need this and I need that and I need something else,” he is expressing the Law of Denial and is destined to the continuity of the experience.
We say, “We have just a little of this.” And we keep saying that and we perpetuate the law of little. So, ten years pass; it’s a little bit less. Another ten, it’s almost gone. And we never stop to think about the Law of Personal Responsibility, that the only thing we spent our twenty years in that time doing is telling our self how little that we had. Until finally we prove, beyond a shadow of any doubt, how right we are! You see, my friends, little or much has less value to our consciousness than how right we are. So if we say we have a little of anything, the higher priority to our consciousness is to prove unto our self how right we are. I’ve yet to find an ego that loved to be wrong. So we must understand the Law of Self-Identification. Little and lot is ever dependent upon the insistence of our own mind to continue to broadcast the frequency or rate of vibration through which these experiences will take place within our consciousness.
Now if we’re at other levels of consciousness, we look out and say, “Well, I didn’t get the chance that someone else had. I didn’t get this and I didn’t get that. And I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I wasn’t even born with a gold one.” And all of the justifications. When you look at another and you see how—what you think—how well and how good they are doing in anything, what you are telling yourself is simply this, “What a lucky person they are.” And then you justify how lucky they are. Well, we all know what luck is. It’s simply a loser’s excuse for a winner’s expression, isn’t it? That’s all that luck is. We justify our laziness. So in that sense, we’ve done a wonderful job! We have directed this great Power—infinite, intelligent, and neutral—to lying around like the toads! Well, if we were supposed to be a toad, our soul would have evolved into a toad form and not into a human form.
So the first thing to do on the path of freedom is to stand upon the rock of principle, known as personal responsibility—the ability to personally respond to all your thoughts, acts, and deeds within your own consciousness, where you have power. Therefore, not to look outside to see how easy it is for someone else, because each time you look outside to see how somebody else is doing, you direct this great Power, this energy, to that person and they get boosted even higher on the ladder. And you go down even deeper because you see them again and they’re doing even better. So that energy that you are receptive to, the effect thereof, is how you channel it. If you want to channel this neutral, intelligent, infinite Power, known as God, to a greater abundance of good, then you must use the law that brings the greater abundance of good into your consciousness. And the use of that law is totally dependent upon your ability to gain control over your mind: so you will not lust for what you judge someone else has, that you now judge that you don’t have, but that you do need. That’s known as growing up. So when we grow up, we’re going to see how great our life really is!”
For those who are new to Serenity, you will find recent quotes on Serenity's Facebook Fanpage and that is also where you can join students of the Living Light from around the world to ask questions and share your understanding. I hope you will join the conversation.
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Russell Fitzgerald
Vice President Serenity Association
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